How We Can Help You
Optimize Site Speed

We can make your website and web applications load faster

Research has shown that the longer a website takes to load, the lower the probability a visitor will engage or convert on your website. This is especially true for mobile devices, which have a lower bandwidth than desktops, and where people have less patience.

This is a killer of effectiveness for e-commerce, landing pages, brochure websites – pretty much any type of website. This is the critical first step when trying to optimize conversion rates.

We can do an analysis of your website to determine the issues and give you a quote on how to fix the problems.

Bad Website Hosting/Overloaded Servers

There are 3 primary types of servers: Shared hosting like GoDaddy, Cloud Hosting, and Dedicated Hosting.

With shared hosting you’re sharing a server with thousands of other websites and you’re subject to the bandwidth requests of the other sites.

If you have dedicated or cloud hosting then having an insufficient server is another issue.

Improper Hosting, Software, Server Setup, or Server Issues

If your server isn’t set up correctly, this could lead to your site moving slowly.

For instance, there may be a cap on the number of requests or resources may be being limited for certain applications.

Your database may not be able to handle the traffic load.

You may also have too many programs running on server and it may be getting overloaded.

Improper Domain Setup

Your domain name is what everyone uses to access your website (ex. You point a domain to a server. But that domain also serves other functions.

It may tie in other services like Content Delivery Networks (CDN – like Cloudflare), traffic analysis tools, load balancers, etc..

If it’s not set up correctly you might have redirect loops, or certain subdomains may not work. It could cause a whole host of issues.

Improper Website Setup or Obsolete Website Platform

If you’re using an old code base (PHP, Javascript Libraries, etc.) it might cause your website to be slow b/c they’re not updated for modern usage patterns or modern scripts + languages – like Angular and Node.js. They have to be configured correctly on the server side to function quickly.

If your website software is not configured correctly for the traffic then your site may run slowly.

SQL Issues (Database Inefficiencies or Improper Setup)

A database is the backbone of every site. The way you add and get data from a database is using things called queries. They have to written in an efficient way. If they’re not efficient relative to the amount of traffic you’re getting the SQL may hang your entire site or server or slow everything down.

If your databases are not set up properly your server may be having to do too much work. If you have too much traffic you may have to look at getting a second server for your SQL database.

Third Party Integrations

Modern websites have several third party integrations. It could include things like live chat, social plugins, analytics tools, fonts, videos, etc.

The more integrations that are loaded on web page the slower your site will be. This is especially true since third party integrations may have bugs and are entirely out of your control.

This is one of the biggest factors that will slow your site down. These need to handled properly through optimization or need be “lazy loaded”.

CMS Issues or Too many Plugins

Content Management Systems are extremely prevalent these days. They allow you to edit and manage your site on your own but these systems – notably WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are very large code bases. If they’re not configured correctly your site will be slow.

One of the most common problems is having too many plugins. Each plugin will slow your site down and they may have interactions that you cannot predict that will cause bugs or issues.

Not using caching or improper use of a CDN

Every image, audio file, video file, JavaScript file, or CSS file on your website are requested off your server by a visitor’s browser. Each of these will slow down your website because of the number of requests.

A quick solution is to use a CDN which will automatically duplicate your content onto other servers around the world. The CDN will intercept request and pull from other servers. However, if you don’t have it set up correctly it will slow your website instead of speeding it up.

Web pages have too much content or unoptimized images, files

If your pages or too long or there’s too much content that’s not properly optimized it will be slow. This is especially true on responsive and mobile websites. Mobile phones don’t have the same bandwidth as a desktop or laptop.

If you’re graphics aren’t optimized for the web then they’ll also take forever to load. They need to be compressed and web-optimized. This is a common issue on all websites.

Platforms We’ve Worked With

When you’ve been in business as long as we have, customers bring you all sorts of platforms to work with. We haven’t worked with them all, but we’ve worked with a great number of them. Here are a few of the more common ones;

Technologies We Use

Where a website is hosted, how its secured, how its maintained, and the third-party services you use to keep it humming are just as important. We’ve been around the block, so we’ve had the pleasure to work with all sorts of technologies and we know what works best, and have already done it before.

 For Hosting:

More expensive, but faster, more dependable and extensible hosting.

For Security:

We protect our websites using 2048 bit SSL certificates.

For Credit Card Processing

We always recommend for CC transactions.

For Development

We only use industry standard programming languages and databases so that our code is as flexible and adaptable as possible.

250+ Customers From Small Businesses To Fortune  1,000 Companies

We expect only the best and you should too. The team who works on a project signs their name next to it with pride. 

What Make Us Unique?

We Stand By Our Work

We offer a guarantee on all the work we do against any bugs or issues for 30 days. The majority of issues you encounter will be found in the first 30 days after the launch of a website or web/mobile app.

We’ve been in business for 15+ years

We’re not going to up and disappear on you like other companies in our industry. We’ve worked with some clients for 11+ years and have grown alongside them.

We’re not just web developers

Sure we build websites but we can do heavy lifting like building web applications, mobile applications, and software that runs companies. We also do Digital Marketing Consulting – helping companies optimize their websites for conversions or sales and plan and execute digital campaigns.

We’re more experienced technically and marketing wise

Most companies in our industry farm out the technical work of programming, UI/UX, and graphics but we handle it all internally. Unlike most web companies we have expertise in Digital and Traditional marketing which helps us make better products.

We only employ the best

We spend a great deal of time and resources hiring our consultants and staff. We like to hire smart, creative people who have technical know how. We’re serious about doing great work and like to work with like minded people.

We don’t outsource our work

Unlike other companies in our industry we don’t outsource our work to subcontractors. We also don’t offshore our work to cheaper, lower quality developers, designers, etc. Our focus is on quality.


We firmly believe that projects should be guided from start to finish by experienced consultants with development, graphics, and management experience.

We understand both the business processes and the technical aspects to address our clients’ needs.


 (470) 907-3529


Atlanta, GA
